This zine tells the story of the creation of a vast educational town on a once-barren hill named Manipal, all thanks to the leadership of one multi-faceted personality – Dr. T.M.A. Pai. It touches upon the greatness of Dr. T.M.A. Pai and will take you through the transformation of ‘mannu palla’ , the mud pond,…
Read MoreRe-discovering the private Chapel of Dr. Miguel Caetano Dias
”A few steps later, there it was. Brushing aside some leaves, the chapel revealed itself to us in its full glory. It was a moment of epiphany – one that is tough to put down in words. In that moment, I felt this immediate connection to the modest edifice in front of us. A strange feeling took over me – I felt I somehow knew the man who built the chapel – the glimpses of his life that I had just heard about flashed before my eyes. That is the power of architecture…”’
Read MoreThe Architectural Splendour of the Chimbel Monastery
In Chimbel, lies an architectural gem that is in dire need of conservation The missionary spurt that immediately followed the advent of the Portuguese in Goa meant that Goan Church architecture developed much earlier compared to its domestic architecture. The exposure to ideologies from Europe and their transfusion with local art and craftsmanship became visible…
Read MoreMonsoon Blues
We are in the midst of September, and the rainfall has finally started to cease in Goa. Phew! It’s been a long time coming now. We already exceeded the annual amount of rainfall way back in the end of July, and so to experience another month of torrid rains was really tough. As much as…
Read MoreWhy the Kala Academy is so Important
There is an erroneous notion prevalent in todays soceity that heritage – is something colonial, something ancient. The latest to fall prey to this is the Kala Academy – a bustling centre for the arts on the banks of the River Mandovi in Panjim. Recent leakages have brought the tarpaulin over the affected parts and…
Read MoreModern Heritage
In the years preceding 2013, a new phenomenon started to take place, at least in the lives of millennials. They would recollect an incident that happened, say, in 2006, or 2007, and would go on to narrate it gleefully, only to get depressed when they realized that the phrase ‘this happened 5 years back’ was…
Read MoreWhy does the Notre-Dame blaze hurt so much?
On 15th April 2019, the world woke up to some heartbreaking news. Shocking images and videos of the The Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris swept across social media, its central spire and steep pitched roof ablaze. The fire eventually consumed the towering spire and the medieval roof. And while Parisians all exclaimed in shock, people all…
Read MoreRemembering Charles
Vol. 0 Issue 01 The very first issue of the magazine series explores the life of Charles Correa, ‘India’s Greatest Architect’. It takes a closer look at the childhood and early life of Charles, as well as the special connection he shared with Goa, his homeland. Read below : Make sure you never miss an…
Read MoreWhat’s happening at the Augustinian Convent?
If you happened to have drove through Rua dos Judeus lately, you would have noticed work in full swing at the Augustinian convent : Labourers carrying buckets of mud on their heads, masons assembling laterite blocks, officials pointing into the distance and mumbling something to themselves, trucks pulling up, workers carting away debris – the…
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